This puzzle is based on an original mechanical puzzle by puzzle-designer extraordinaire Oskar van Deventer.  In this latest remake the purple diamond must reach the red diamond using east/west movement only. Later mazes provide portals that allow access to the hidden north/south maze.

  • Number of puzzles: 5
  • Average play time: 30 mins 
  • First published: 2000 (last update: April 2024)
  • History:
  • Keyboard controls: arrow keys or WASD to move; [Z] to undo ; [R] for restart. 
  • Touchscreen controls: tap at the main menu; swipe to move; open the tab menu in the upper left to undo moves and restart.
  • Hack: click to launch the PSNext editor

Bought to you with thanks to Davidus Rex maintainer of PuzzlescriptNext; and Henri Manson (PSNext SVG support).

puzzlescript implementation - Andrea Gilbert - 2024   
puzzle designs - Andrea Gilbert - 2000
puzzle concept - Oskar van Deventer - 2000

Updated 11 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withPuzzleScript
Tagsmaze, oskarvandeventer, PuzzleScript

Development log

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